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Neighbours Helping Neighbours

At MIALS, our mission is to create a thriving, age-friendly community. For over 20 years we have assisted Mayne Island residents to age in place and to enhance their quality of life by staying active, independent, socially engaged and integrated within our community.

Welcome to

Mayne Island Assisted Living Society

Our commitment to fostering a supportive, inclusive environment has led us to develop a wide range of programs and services tailored to the unique needs of our community. We strive to continually adapt and innovate, ensuring our initiatives remain relevant and effective in addressing the evolving challenges faced by elder members of our community.

Ongoing Community Programs

Here’s a quick peek at some popular Programs offered by MIALS. For a complete list of our Services and Programs please click the menu button at the top of this page.
You can RSVP or ask for more information by email info@mials.org or call (250) 213-6191.

Creative Cafe

Every Wednesday 1 PM – 3 PM

Mayne Island Community Center

Offers a variety of creative projects and activities for mental and physical well being with Mayne Island friends and neighbours.  Includes movie days and field trips.  No cost.

Lunch Bunch

1st and 3rd Thursday Noon

Mayne Island Community Center

Join Sue Duncan and the Lunch Bunch gang for amazing meals, meet new people and enjoy interesting guest speakers from the community.  Suggested donation per meal.

Collective Care

2nd and 4th Thursdays 1:30PM

Mayne Island Community Center

We have teamed up with MIHCA to offer two support groups. Care Receiver Support is a unique program that offers peer led discussion and incorporates Expressive Art Therapy offerings. MIHCA runs the Care Giver Support Group on the same dates and time.  No cost.

Day Tripper

Every Tuesday

Village Bay Ferry Terminal

Fun filled bus trip to  Sidney and Victoria every Tuesday for medical appointments,  tests, shopping, swimming  or just exploring.  See bus page for fares and seat reservation.

Reserve online or call: (250) 213 6191

How Can MIALS be of assistance?

MIALS is a volunteer based program, developed in 2004 by Mayne Islanders who envisioned a way of life where neighbours are helping neighbours.  Connecting those in need of assistance with our group of volunteers that are willing and able to offer that level of assistance – to enhance their quality of life, to stay active, independent, and integrated in their community.

What’s happening!

MIALS Latest News

Honour A Life
Honour a Life: A Heartfelt Evening of Remembrance at the Japanese Memorial Gardens
December 20, 2024 | 4:00PM-6:00PM This holiday season, the Mayne Island Assisted Living Society (MIALS) invites you to come together in a special evening…
Invisible Stories: Volunteers
The Heartbeat of Our Community On Mayne Island, the quiet stories of creating an age-friendly community often go unnoticed. Alongside these stories are the unsung…
Ride Ready: Preparing for more accessible adventures
Getting in and out of a car can be a challenge! Learn some tips and tricks to help! Join Chris Kennedy, a physiotherapist from InReach…

How to Support MIALS

We are a non-profit organization and could use your support. Here is how you can help!


MIALS is made possible because of our strong volunteer team. There are many opportunities to become involved with our services and programs. The amount of time you volunteer is flexible – helping with a weekly program or just occasionally when needed or at a special event such as a fundraiser. Please join us. You’ll have fun, meet great people and make a difference!  

Become a Member

The voice of the community plays an integral role in our capacity to serve Mayne Island. MIALS annual membership is just per person or per family. Membership gives you a vote at the AGM. You will also receive our email newsletters and your membership fee will support our many programs.

Make a Donation

MIALS is grateful to receive donations from individuals and island organizations. These funds are needed in tandem with government grants so we can continue to provide programs and services to Mayne Island residents. There are many easy ways you can donate. Tax receipts are issued for donations of or more.

Contact Us:

We are here to help. Please fill in the contact form, send us an email at info@mials.org or call (250) 213-6191. Any communication with us will be kept confidential.