Ride Ready: Preparing for more accessible adventures
Getting in and out of a car can be a challenge! Learn some tips and tricks to help!
Join Chris Kennedy, a physiotherapist from InReach Physio to learn about how best to get your loved one with limited mobility get in and out of your car. Chris will be giving some tips and tricks to help families, friends, and MIALS volunteers more easily assist individuals get ‘ride ready’
Assisting someone with limited mobility can be a complex and challenging task when you aren’t sure where to safely start. We’re aware that some of the limitations can include strength, balance, joint pain, stiffness, recent medical procedures, and vehicle designs.
To help combat this, Chris will be doing a review of how to approach these limitations in a safe and accessible way to make smoother transitions and allow more freedom when traveling from point A to point B. Chris will also make recommendations on helpful tools that could be implemented.
Come learn with us to limit injuries and improve stability and confidence.
Date: Saturday, November 9th at Noon
Location: Mayne Island Church House, 360 Georgina Point Rd
Cost: Free